In case of loss, theft or damage to the luxury bag (such as stains, tears, scratches, burns, etc.) you must notify it to MD 2 SRL and make a report to the police within 24 hours after the event occurs.
Any return of the luxury bags in a state different from that stated constitutes a damage.
The price of the replacement bag is defined by the price of the bag to buy to replace the lost or stolen designer handbag. All bags have a system that ensures traceability. Please do not spoil the return package, do not replace the rented designer bags with other, not replace them with a false. In the event that you return the bags counterfeit, legal action will be taken and you will be charged with the full amount of their value. If a particular handbag has increased in price since its purchase date, then it will be charged the price of replacing the item at the current market value.